
Rails 3 Engine & Static assets

I'm building an engine I've bundled as a gem (gmaps4rails). I copied the /public of my engine in the /public of my rails app.

Everything works fine in development but fails to work in production: it appears stat开发者_JAVA技巧ic assets (of my engine & my main app) aren't found.

The logs tell the following (just an abstract):

Started GET "/javascripts/application.js?1286294679" for at Wed Nov 24 00:22:20 +0100 2010

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/javascripts/application.js"):

Rendered /Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ree-1.8.7-2010.02/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-3.0.3/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/templates/rescues/routing_error.erb within rescues/layout (1.1ms)

Started GET "/stylesheets/gmaps4rails.css?1290554221" for at Wed Nov 24 00:22:20 +0100 2010

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/stylesheets/gmaps4rails.css"):

I've done a few things:

  1. in my app's production.rb, I set:

    config.serve_static_assets = true

    This Solves the problem but is not elegant enough, I'd like to keep it to false and add configuration in the engine :)

  2. I followed the advice here without success.

For performance reason, static assets serving is disabled in production mode. Your webserver should be configured to serve theses assets.

Look at this discussion if your are using nginx as a webserver.

In Rails 3.x try to set this in config/environments/production.rb

config.serve_static_assets = true

By default Rails assumes you are using an assets server (lightttp, nginx or Apache)

In your engine, replace:

initializer "static assets" do |app|
  app.middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::Static, "#{root}/public"


initializer "static assets" do |app|
      app.middleware.insert_before(::ActionDispatch::Static, ::ActionDispatch::Static, "#{root}/public")

Have you tried adding this to your Rails::Engine class:

initializer "static assets" do |app|
  app.middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::Static, "#{root}/public"

This will merge in your Gem's /public directory with the app at runtime.

I had a similar problem mounting a Rails 3.1 engine. I was receiving blank assets in stage and production.

I found a solution at http://jonswope.com/2010/07/25/rails-3-engines-plugins-and-static-assets/comment-page-1/#comment-87 and tweaked it to suit Rails 3.1 asset locations:

initializer "static assets" do |app|
  app.middleware.insert_before ::Rack::Lock, ::ActionDispatch::Static, "#{root}/app/assets"

I imagine there is a more elegant way but my effort today didn't yield anything substantial.

I don't know much about the way, gems are packaged/made. But why can't you copy the images/js/css stuff of your gems public folder into the apps public folder? I just did that and it worked for me. Is that not the done thing?





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