
Calculate how much scrolling is needed for a container element to make one of the its children element visible?

There is a div element with specified height and it contains lots of span elements so scrolling is needed to see elements which are initially invisible due to overflow.

I need to calculate how much scrolling is needed in order to make them visible ?

Thank you.

<div style="width:100px;height:100px;overflow-y:scroll;">

I suppose you can iterate through these child elements and ask them for their position in relation to wrapping div. After that if y-position is more than height of div you can just subtract div's height from y-position and you will get desired number.

If you provide snippet of your code or link to real page I could show you appropriate js code.

I suppose you should wrap all you span inside an intermediate container (without specifing an height), then calculate the difference between $('#intermediatecontainer').height() and $('#intermediatecontainer').parent().height()

Live example : http://jsfiddle.net/fcalderan/DE52m/





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