
C++ #include can't find file

I need to build this c++ project.

its failing on the line

#include <wkhtmltox/image.h>
#include <wkhtmltox/pdf.h>

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wkhtmltox/image开发者_C百科.h': No such file or directory
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wkhtmltox/pdf.h': No such file or directory

clearly its not finding the file. i have the file on disk but just need to point the project at it some how.

how do i set the project up so it can see this file?

Also If its not already clear, i'm a complete novice at c++

edit: i'm trying to build this: https://github.com/antialize/wkhtmltopdf-bindings/tree/master/wkhtmltoxcom/

Visual Studio 2008

Goto "Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions" then select "VC++ directories" and select "Include files" in the combo box at top right corner. Specify the directory where the file is present. That should solve the problem.

Or if you want to customize it per project, hit Alt F7 or go to Project -> Properties -> C++ -> General, and set the include directories.





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