
Problems with non-blocking select with java.nio

I've just started using java.nio and probably used it some wrong way so I got a slight problem with it.

I'm trying to write a something like a Port Forwarder that can modify the traffic that passes through it using various additional modules.

Here is how I'm doing it:

  1. ConnectionManager - a thread that has it's own Selector that is registe开发者_运维技巧red to OP_ACCEPT on ServerSocketChannel. Whenever it selects anything - it creates a ConnectionProcessor object that manages the connection.

  2. ConnectionProcessor - a thread that opens SocketChannel to predefined forward point (where to send the packets from the newly connected client). Then it opens it's own Selector and registers it to client's SocketChannel's OP_READ and server's SocketChannel's OP_READ.

Then the processor goes into infinite loop selecting data from selector and forwarding it appropriately. To determine where to send data it compares SelectionKey.channel() to clientChannel and serverChannel.

Selection in ConnectionProcessor is made with timeout of 5 seconds (select(5000)) - to handle timeouts. When select times out - it tries to read from both channels to get an exception or -1 result.

Now here are my questions/problems:

  1. Is it right to use key.cancel() after processing the key? Most examples I've seen in the internet simply remove the key from selectedKeys() list. key.cancel() seems to be much better approach.
  2. Is it right to have several selectors that basically use the same ServerSocketChannel? Or should I always use single Selector and pass selected keys to appropriate Managers? What I mean is that if 3 clients connect simultaneously then this is what will happen:

    a) Manager creates Processor. Processor opens client channel. Processor registers it's own selector to the client channel. b) repetition of (a) c) repetition of (a)

  3. For some reason, after even one client connects to my forwarder - it won't process messages faster than 5000msec timeout. It starts selecting, locks for 5 seconds, then go to second iteration and fetches me 5-6 messages that I received during previous timeout. Should I blame (1), (2), or some other reason?
  4. Is there any manual on how this all nio stuff works internally? I'm kind of a person that understands how to use things only after I fully understand the mechanics underneath. Reading API does not help as it is written for people who already know the proper way of using nio.

Thanks for reading my whole question and thanks in advance for any help.

  1. No. Just remove the key from the selected set. Usually this is done via iterator.remove(). If you cancel they key it will never be selected again.

  2. It's pointless. You don't need the second selector, or the extra thread either. That's what NIO is for. You can handle it all with the original selector within the original thread.

  3. It's probably caused by strange code. Redo it as above and see if it still happens. If so, post some code here.

  4. You would need to read the Berkeley Sockets API or a good book such as Stevens, Unix Network Programming, or mine ;-)





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