
Generics in method signatures and casts?

Why does this work?

public <T> T getResult(Clas开发者_开发百科s annotated) {
    return (T) getResult(annotated, new HashMap<String, Object>(0));

How does the compiler know how to cast the return value? It can't know it at compile time: it could be anything. Does it do it at runtime every time?

The type of T in the generic method is inferred from the context of a call to the method, if possible.

String string = foo.getResult(Something.class);

If the type of T can't be determined from the context (for example, if the result is passed directly as an argument to a method that is itself generic) you may have to specify the type yourself:

List<String> list = Arrays.asList(foo.<String>getResult(Something.class));

Generic methods may also use the types they declare in parameters, which can force the parameters and the result type to agree:

public <T> T getResult(Class<T> type) { ... }

String string = foo.getResult(String.class); // ok
String string = foo.getResult(Something.class); // not ok

At runtime, generics don't exist so it just tries to assign the result to whatever you're trying to assign it to... if it's the wrong type, you get a ClassCastException.

It's easy for the VM at runtime because T is simply Object due to type-erasure. In other words this:

return (T)getResult(annotated, new HashMap<String, Object>(0));

Compiles to the same thing as this:

return (Object)getResult(annotated, new HashMap<String, Object>(0));

That cast is unchecked, which means that it is not checked - neither at compile time nor at runtime. To verify, compile and execute:

static <T> T magicCast(Class<T> clazz, Object o) {
    return (T) o;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    magicCast(Integer.class, "hello");
    System.out.println("The magic cast always works.");

Of course, that is dangerous. Consider:

public class Test<T> {
    public final T foo;

    public Test(Object foo) {
        this.foo = (T) foo;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test<String> test = new Test<String>(42);

        // after being passed through dozens of methods     
        test.foo.startsWith("hello"); // ClassCastException     

That travesty of a variable holding an object that is not a subtype of the declared type is known as heap pollution. It is the reason why a compiler is mandated to emit an unchecked warning - unless somebody suppressed that warning.

It is therefore recommended to do a reflective cast where possible; for instance:

static <T> T magicCast(Class<T> clazz, Object o) {
    return clazz.cast(o); // reflective cast, checked at runtime

Of course, if you know the class at compile time, you should use an ordinary cast, because that enables to compiler to performn additional sanity checks, allowing it to reject casts like

int x = (Integer) "hello";

which can never succeed.

Unfortunately you did not write how do you invoke this method. I believe that the code looks like:


In this case the answer is simple: the compiler adds casting to MyClass and if you decompile the byte code you see something like


The same happens if you invoke you method and assign it result to variable: MyClass result = obj.getResult();

By the way I think that it is a pity that you added annotation @SuppressWarining("unchecked") If T is of type "annotated" you should say:

public T getResult(Class annotated) { return (T) getResult(annotated, new HashMap(0)); }

This is the usual way to work with generics. See classes Collections, Arrays, AbstractList.toArray() etc.

int y=10;
int z=12;




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