asp problem, expected '('
I get this error when viewing the page in Internet explorer Webpage error details
Message: Expected '('
Line: 152
Char: 4
Code: 0
<script>/* <![CDATA[ */qmad.mwidths=new Object();if(qmad.bvis.indexOf("qm_mwidths_a(b.cdiv,o);")==-1)qmad.bvis+="qm_mwidths_a(b.cdiv,o);";;function qm_mwidths_a(sub,item){var z;if((z=window.qmv)&&(z=z.addons)&&(z=z.match_widths)&&!z["on"+qm_index(sub)])return;var ss;if(!item.settingsid){var v=item;while((v=v.parentNode)){if(v.className.indexOf("qmmc")+1){;break;}}}ss=qmad[item.settingsid];if(!ss)return;if(!ss.mwidths_active)return;if(qm_a(item.parentNode)){var t=0;t+=qm_getcomputedstyle(sub,"padding-left","paddingLeft");t+=qm_getcomputedstyle(sub,"padding-right","paddingRight");t+=qm_getcomputedstyle(sub,"border-left-width","borderLeftWidth");t+=qm_getcomputedstyle(sub,"border-right-width","borderRightWidth");var adj=0;adj=item.getAttribute("matchwidthadjust");if(adj)adj=parseInt(adj);if(!adj||isNaN(adj))adj=0;"px";var a=sub.childNodes;for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++){if(a[i].tagName=="A")a[i].style.whiteSpace="normal";}}};function qm_getcomputedstyle(obj,sname,jname){var v;if(document.defaultView&&document.defaultView.getComputedStyle)v=document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(obj,null).getPropertyValue(sname);else if(obj.currentStyle)v=obj.currentStyle[jname];if(v&&!isNaN(v=parseInt(v)))return v;else return 0;}/* ]]> */</script>
148: <%
149开发者_如何学运维: UserIPAddress = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
150: If UserIPAddress = "" Then
151: UserIPAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
152: end if
155: IF Left(UserIPAddress,11) = "192.168.130" or Left(UserIPAddress,10) = "236.234.11" then
156: %>
158: <%
159: IF ucase(request.querystring("go"))="" then
160: go="HOME"
161: ELSE
162: go = ucase(request.querystring("go"))
163: END IF
165: IF ucase(request.querystring("rdate"))="" then
166: rdate = FormatDateTime(now(), 2)
167: ELSE
168: rdate = ucase(request.querystring("rdate"))
169: END IF
171: If not(IsDate(rdate)) Then
172: rdate = FormatDateTime(now(), 2)
173: End If
174: %>
This is the view source code/runtime
150: <script>
151: <!--
152: if request.querystring("rdate")<>"" then
153: rdate=request.querystring("rdate")
154: else
155: rdate= now()
156: end if
158: function querySt(ji) {
159: hu =;
160: gy = hu.split("&");
161: for (i=0;i<gy.length;i++) {
162: ft = gy[i].split("=");
163: if (ft[0] == ji) {
164: return ft[1];
165: }
166: }
167: }
168: var rundate = querySt("rdate");
170: if request.querystring("rdate")<>"" then
171: rundate=request.querystring("rdate")
172: else
173: rdate= now()
174: end if
176: document.write(rdate);
177: document.write("<br>");
178: -->
179: </script>
@NEWprogrammer: You seem to be mixing ASP with JavaScript (in second code snippet, Ln. 150 - 179). Both of your if request.querystring
blocks in that code should be in ASP delimiters, <% %>
, which will take care of that specific syntax error you're getting.
It appears as if you don't even need that whole second block at all though since it doesn't look like you ever use it again and the rundate
parameter is already checked and set in ASP, you could probably just comment out or remove that whole second block.