
Is it possible in Java read files placed in a Jar that it's placed in a Ear too?

I was wondering if is possible to find the content in an XML file placed in a jar thath is placed in a ear too. It would help me find the properties of java beans.

Up into the ear I can iterate through documents and see wh开发者_JAVA百科at's inside, but if it is a jar I can't iterate documents inside that.

Someone can give me some advice?

From the ear file you should be able to extract the jar file. Then you can use WinZip, 7 Zip, etc to do explore the jar file contents the GUI. Or you can run the jar tf command to extract the content of the jar file in command line. If you don't have any of these tools and using windows, then you can rename the jar file to a .zip and windows should be able to explore it (most of the cases it works).

Edits - I am not sure if you wanted to do it using Java. In that case you are looking for JarFile. I found an example of it here for exploring Jar contents programatically.

so i just tested the thing you want to do - and as long as the JAR lies in the classpath of your EAR, then you can access any file within it. basically the try to look up the file from the context-root of your application.

for example if in your JAR the file abc.xml resides under the package a.b.resources, then from say a servlet in your EAR you can access it using :
InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("a/b/resources/abc.properties");

Yes, you can read any file that is packed into zip file. It does not matter how many nested zip file you have to open on your way. Use ZipInputStream, get needed ZipEntry, read it content. If it is still zip, open it and do it again and again until you access the required resource.





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