
Image Processing in C [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.

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Can someone suggest some good image processing library in C/c++ that can work easily in Visual studio .I need to do some 3-D modeling and Image reconstruction (would involve lot of pixel value access).I am looking for something that has a good documentation/online support apart from given functionality.

I am currently trying CImg but want your opinion before I proceed with project.

The tags c++ image graphics processing naturally lead me to post a link to openCV

Integrated Performance Primitives by Intel.

  • ITK (InsightToolkit) - for multi-dimensional datasets
  • VTK (VisualizationToolkit) - for visualization, but also a little bit for ImageProcessing
  • OpenCV - normally for 2D, but very fast.
  • Matlab - should only be used for 2D (MATrix LABoratory) and not for big datasets
  • Mathematica - ... also I would say: 2D
  • Boost - can sometimes be helpfully for the analysis
  • CGAL - can also be used for feature extraction

i tried Cairo (http://cairographics.org/samples/) for a project in past.

g2 library (http://g2.sourceforge.net/) also has quite comprehensive features. bit old though.

Another such library is ITK.

Most useful image processing libraries in C/C++ are OpenCV and ITK.They are most commonly used libraries for image processing. Because they have good documentations, world-wide support with mail lists or forums.Also, they are both open source libraries which written with c++. ITK is actually used for medical image processing.But you can use for every type of image.And opencv has very large functions on image processing,computer vision and machine learning.In high level application you couldn't seperate one of them from each other.Image proc.,comp. vis. and machine learning intertwine with each other.Also both openCV and ITK can be used with any other c++ based library such as qt for gui,vtk for visualisation etc. Also you can use opencv and itk together.OpenCV and itk such a big advantage to process images for who familiar C/C++ also python.





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