
When to use preprocessor directives in .net?

I think this is a simple question so I assume I'm missing something obvious. I don't really ever use preprocessor directives but I was looking at someone's code which did and thought it was something I should be familiar with.

So I looked at the msdn example here it has the code:

#define DEBUG
// ...
#if DEB开发者_如何学编程UG
    Console.WriteLine("Debug version");

My two questions are:

  • in the example above why do they define DEBUG? I was under the impression that was set if you compile in debug v. release mode?
  • looking at the other example which has #define MYTEST and then writes to the console dependent on if it 'defined', but how does this differ from just using a variable? What am I missing here?

I would actually recommend using the Conditional Attribute instead of inline #if statements.

private void DeleteTempProcessFiles()

Not only is this cleaner and easier to read since you don't end up having #if, #else within your code. This style is less prone to errors either during normal code edits and well as logic flow errors.

Generally, the optional/conditional compilation symbols will be provided by the build script. It is pretty rare to see #define, except for very debug code (if you see what I mean).

Re using a variable; I often use such conditions to handle code that must run on different runtimes (mono, cf, silverlight, etc). A variable cannot suffice because the code cannot be compiled against the wrong platform (missing types/methods etc).

In the example presented I would probably just have used Debug.WriteLine; since this is decorated with [Conditional("DEBUG")], all calls to it are automatically removed if DEBUG is not defined at build.

in the example above why do they define DEBUG? I was under the impression that was set if you compile in debug v. release mode?

Probably because it is example code. It is meant to demonstrate how #ifdef and friends work. I wouldn't expect you to define symbols like that in source files, unless it is for a quick test.

looking at the other example which has "#define MYTEST" and then writes to the console dependent on if it 'defined', but how does this differ from just using a variable? What am I missing here?

If MYTEST is not defined at compile time, the compiler will not actually emit the code between the #if and #endif blocks. Therefore the resultant IL will be smaller.

Also, note that these are not preprocessor directives in C#.

If you use variable all your code is compiled, when you use preprocessor directives only part of code included in executable/dll.

I would like to give one example where I have used preprocessor directive in my project.

My program creates lot of intermediate files on disk. I used #DEBUG directive to delete those files only if my project is in release mode, otherwise I keep those file so that we can view those intermediate files and determine whats happening inside.

When my app is working on production server, I build project in release mode so those files are deleted after processing is complete.

#if (DEBUG==false)

I have some code which needs a different handling when using the Mono environment instead of the CLR - thus I have a Mono directive in some of my modules. I think this is a better example than debug

I've used it for a lot of things. Debug messages that I only want in debug builds; clean up temp files; include diagnostic functions or actions.





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