
How to format double to money format? Eg: 3.234,12

I have a string input by the user, this is string is treated to have only numbers, such as: "3472042".

I then convert this string to a double value, but I want it to be formatted as a money value, like: 3.472,042

Just like DecimalFormat in Java if that helps.

I tried some things with NSNumberFormatter but no luck. Can anyone give me a hand with that?

Used this at first:

        NSString *string = txtOtherPower.text;
        NSCharacterSet *removeCharSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"•€£¥./:;@#$%&*(){}[]!?\\-|_=开发者_运维问答+\"`'~^abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz' '"];
        string = [[string componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:removeCharSet] componentsJoinedByString:@""];

So that the only acceptable characters are comma "," and numbers. The problem is if I type something like "2,2,2,2,,,,,1,,2" then it just won't do anything. And that messes with my string/number.

I need perfectly formatted money values... Any ideas?

Create an NSNumberFormatter, set its style to NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle or NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle (or, if those styles don't work for you, configure it with setPositiveFormat:, setNegativeFormat: etc.), and then convert the number to a string with stringFromNumber:.

See the documentation for this class for details.





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