OnClick event firing speed for components
I was using two TButton components on a form that functioned as Plus and Minus. When clicked they would add or subtract from an integer which would then be displayed on a TLabel.
This functioned as desired where the speed at which I would click would fire the OnClick event without fault.
I have replaced the buttons with PNGButton components so that I could make them look more pretty. Everything still works as before except that the OnClick event doesn't seem to be firing every time I click the components. I tested this with a simple TImage component also and the result is the same.
If I click very slowly it will fire every time, but if I click at a regular pace it only seems to fire every second click.
What can I do to make sure t开发者_运维百科hat the OnClick event is fired every time?
Instead of using the OnClick event, use the OnMouseUp event:
procedure TForm.btnMinusMouseUp(Sender: TObject;
Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
if Self.NumSelected > 0 then begin
Self.NumSelected := Self.NumSelected - 1;