C++/Java serialization library suitable for socket stream?
I need to write a server in C++/Obj-C that can receive streamed data from several clients built in Java and C++. The challenge: I need to serialize and deserialize the data structures efficiently. One C++ client will be generating 128x96x2-dimensional float arrays, plus some metadata, about 30 times per second (video features). A Java client will be generating a smaller feature vector -- probably 200 values, 1-10 times per second. I've about resigned myself to rolling my own im开发者_StackOverflow社区plementation, but before I do, I'd like to ask recommendations.
Google Protocol Buffers supports your required languages and streaming of serialized data structures, but I am not sure how you would best handle those large arrays. There is some ongoing work here in this area of protobuf for Java - background here.
With this in mind, you might be able to produce something that works using Java and C++ protobuf, with custom code in C++ to handle the Java array encoding in that branch.