
Can big ViewState content result a HTTP Error 504 - Gateway timeout?

I have one asp.net page which seems to return a very big content (5,648,733 bytes and that is

mostly consumed by VIEWSTATE) ending with a 504 Gateway timeout error. I am tracking the http

request/response by using Fiddler.

And basically, when I post-back the same page -by clicking a button- the post-back fails with thoose errors shown in IE and in FF:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage --> in IE

The connection to the ser开发者_高级运维ver was reset while the page was loading. --> in FF

Question: Can this be because of the big size injected in VIEWSTATE; and if yes, what is the main reason so that it loads the page but cannot post the page back after?

I wonder if you are hitting the MaxRequestLength of the application; Default is 4MB.

Thank you Chris Shaffer!

After you point me out that I have changed the MaxRequestLength of the application by adding this line to my web.config:

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="60240"/>

And tested the page to see whether it works. And it did!

So, now I have to find a way to reduce ViewState of the GridView on that page.

There are many places where a request can timout. The timeout will occurr in the link in the chain that has the lowest timeout.

You should check if you have any proxy settings in IE.





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