Loop through all "widgets"/elements in a Activity
I started my own android app a few days ago since I needed a mobile application to store a bunch of data I collect in the hospital.
I'm pretty new to Java and android environment, although it seems easy to understand and very similar to C++.
Anyway, my application has a bunch of "EditText" and radio buttons and my question is:
How can I iterate through all those widgets (EditTexts and radio buttons)?
In .NET you could do a "for each element in container " loop but I can't seem to find 开发者_JAVA技巧a way to do this in Java/android environment.
Note: I don't know how many "widgets" exist in the activity, since some are created dinamicaly, others are hardcoded and some others show if some user preferences are set
Any help or hint would be appreciated.
for (int i = 0; i < rootView.getChildCount(); i++)
Note that this will return View-s, you will have to check at runtime exactly what type of View you are currently looking at
It works.
Regarding the View type (ie Spinner, radioButton, EditText, etc) we can tag each type we want to parse in the Layout XML file and then add a conditional, ie:
if (Widget_Tag != null){
View Current_Widget = (View) rootView.getChildAt(i);
String Widget_Tag = (String) Current_Widget.getTag();
if (Widget_Tag.equals("MyEdiText")) {
//do something
the if (Widget_Tag != null){ is to prevent NullPointReferences. You can also doi it with a Try / Catch.
You can try this code:
LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
LinearLayout l = (LinearLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.main, null);
ViewGroup Current_Widget = (ViewGroup)l.getRootView();
for (int i = 0; i < Current_Widget.getChildCount(); i++)