
jqGrid tree grid with pager

How开发者_如何学JAVA do we make a tree grid with pager using jqGrid?

I have checked and try the demos, but it didn't show any pager, even though there is a pager div in the code

How do create the pager ?

Tree grid has some limitations which are documented:

Pager functionality currently disabled for treeGrid

In other place of the documentation you can read almost the same:

Since jqGrid currently does not support paging, when we have a treegrid the pager elements are disabled automatically.

I got pagination to work by modifying the setTreeGrid function. I commented out the following line:

$t.p.pgbuttons = false;$t.p.pginput = false;

The buttons then appeared and the requests were going back to the server to request the information. Now for this I was loading the entire tree to a local variable then using setJSONData to load the data into the tree. It functions the way I would expect it to but I haven't thoroughly tested it.

For RowList $t.p.multiselect = false;$t.p.rowList = [10,15,20,30];

Try change d.p.pgbuttons = !1; to d.p.pgbuttons = !0; AND d.p.pginput = !1; to d.p.pginput = !0; AND d.p.rowList = []; to d.p.rowList = [10,50,100]; in block setTreeGrid: function () {...}

According to "New functional for treeGrid" Vyacheslav N. Boyko added this feature to jqGrid.And there is a open issue that demands to apply this feature to jqGrid.





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