
How do I query Entity Framework for a user in aspnet_Users?

I have added the SqlRoleProvider tables aspnet_Users, aspnet_Roles, and aspnet_UsersInRoles to my Entity Framework 1.0 model in VS 2008.

How do I query Entity Framework for a user in aspnet_Users?

I've tried the following which intellisense won't even help me with.

private void BindFormView(string userName)
    using (var context = new MyEntities())
        var users = from u in context.aspnet_Users
                    where  u.UserName = userName
                    select u;


My eventual goal is to get all of the roles a given user has. It's all looks right in my model, but I cannot seem to access it effec开发者_开发百科tively.

Dude, do not map the membership tables.

Access them via the Membership Provider API:


Why shouldn't you map it?

  • Because it's presuming SQL (defeats the point of a "model" abstraction in EF)
  • Kidding yourself if you can figure out the complex relationships/associations in the database

The Membership API has all the information you require.

To get the roles for a user, use RoleProvider.GetRolesForUser

It looks like the roles are setup as a navigation property from the users. So, building on your code you should be able to do something like this:

private void BindFormView(string userName)
    using (var context = new MyEntities())
        //Get the first user matching your query
        var user = (from u in context.aspnet_Users
                    where  u.UserName == userName
                    select u).FirstOrDefault();

        //Using the navigation properties, get the roles associated with this user
        var roles = user.aspnet_Roles().ToList();





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