Use of select gives syntax error
I am trying to get this to work:
echo "Would you like to config开发者_高级运维ure dns?"
select yn in "Yes" "No"; do
case $yn in
Yes ) echo "you have selected to configure dns"; break;;
No ) exit; break;;
I keep getting this error: 2: select: not found 7: Syntax error: "done" unexpected
Thanks in Advance, joe
Make sure you are running it in bash
as select
is understood by bash
and not by some shells like sh
Alternatively, just rewrite using while
, read
and case
. I think select
does not really add much.
Here's a good one I wrote up with the help from this Forum :)
while ["$yn" != "Yes" ]; do
echo "Choose your type of installation"
echo "1) Home Media Server"
echo "2) Home Communication Server"
echo "3) Enterprise Communication Server"
echo "4) Hosting Server"
echo "5) Individual Packages"
echo "6) exit"
read case;
#simple case bash structure
# note in this case $case is variable and does not have to
# be named case this is just an example
case $case in
1) echo "You have entered Home Media Server, is this correct? (Yes or No)"
read yn
echo "Running script for Home Media Server";;
2) echo "You have entered Home Communication Server, is this correct? (Yes or No)"
read yn
echo "Running script for Home Communication Server";;
3) echo "You have entered Enterprise Communication Server, is this correct? (Yes or No)"
read yn
echo "Running script for Enterprise Communication Server";;
4) echo "You have entered Hosting Server, is this correct? (Yes or No)"
read yn
echo "Running script for Hosting Server";;
5) echo "You have entered $hname, is this correct? (Yes or No)"
read yn
echo "Running script for Individual Packages";;
6) exit