
Rotate image in pictureBox

I am making an Analogue Clock in which i have to rotate the image in my pi开发者_StackOverflow中文版ctureBox...

e.g. i want to rotate my image by 6 degrees every second.

what can i do for this?


I remember ever writing a Clock-like UserControl some time ago. Here's the fundamental code to do your request.

Private Sub Paint_Clock(ByVal sender As Object, _
                        ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
                        Handles Clock.Paint

    Dim _independentHands as Boolean = False
    Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
    Dim centrePoint As Point = New Point(Clock.Width \ 2, Clock.Height \ 2)
         Dim _time As New TimeSpan(5, 2, 15)
    Dim hourPen As New Pen(Color.Black, 3)
    Dim minPen As New Pen(Color.Black, 2)
    Dim secPen As New Pen(Color.Red, 1)

    'clock hand lengths'
    Dim halfClockWidth As Integer = Clock.Width \ 2
    Dim hourLength As Integer = CInt(halfClockWidth * (4 / 6)) - 5
    Dim minLength As Integer = CInt(halfClockWidth * (5 / 6)) - 5
    Dim secLength As Integer = CInt(halfClockWidth * (5 / 6)) - 5
    Dim secLength2 As Integer = CInt(halfClockWidth * (1 / 6))

    Dim secAngle As Single = CSng(_time.Seconds / 60) * 360
    Dim secAngle2 As Single = secAngle - 180
    Dim minAngle As Single = CSng(_time.Minutes / 60) * 360
    Dim hrAngle As Single = CSng((_time.Hours - 12) / 12) * 360
    If Not _independentHands Then minAngle += (secAngle / 60)
    If Not _independentHands Then hrAngle += (minAngle / 12)

    'centre point'
    Dim pointPen As New Pen(Color.Black, 4)
    Dim pointRect As New Rectangle(centrePoint.X - 2, centrePoint.Y - 2, 4, 4)

    'antialias on'
    g.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias

    'draw the background'
    g.DrawImage(My.Resources.ClockBack, 0, 0, Clock.Width, Clock.Height)

    'draw the hands'
    g.DrawLine(hourPen, centrePoint, GetPoint2(centrePoint, hrAngle, hourLength))
    g.DrawLine(minPen, centrePoint, GetPoint2(centrePoint, minAngle, minLength))
    g.DrawLine(secPen, centrePoint, GetPoint2(centrePoint, secAngle, secLength))
    g.DrawLine(secPen, centrePoint, GetPoint2(centrePoint, secAngle2, secLength2))

    'draw the centre point'
    g.DrawEllipse(pointPen, pointRect)

    'draw the glass'
    g.DrawImage(My.Resources.ClockGlass, 0, 0, Clock.Width, Clock.Height)
End Sub

Private Function GetPoint2(ByVal startPoint As Point, _
                           ByVal angle As Single, _
                           ByVal length As Integer) As Point

    Dim x, y As Integer
    Dim sp As Point = startPoint

    Do While angle - 360 > 0
        angle -= 360
    Do While angle < 0
        angle += 360
    If angle = 360 Then angle = 0

    Dim rad = angle * (Math.PI / 180)    'angle in radians'
    'calc the new point'
    x = CInt(length * Math.Sin(rad))
    y = CInt(length * Math.Cos(rad))

    Return New Point(sp.X + x, sp.Y - y)
End Function

1. Add a PictureBox with the name Clock to your form (or usercontrol)
2. Add a resource called ClockBack for the background of your clock (the clock's face).
3. Add a resource called ClockGlass for the clock's glassy face.
4. Drop the code above in your form.
5. Set a timer's interval to 1000 and have its Tick event Refresh or Invalidate the Clock [which is a PictureBox].

Please note that the variable _independentHands makes the clock's hands independent of each other when set to true.
For example, when set to False, 4:30 will have the hour hand halfway between 4 and 5. When True, the hour hand will be on 4 up till 4:59:59 and will 'jump' to 5 at 5:00:00.

I prefer to leave it to false so as to give the natural clock feel.

Here below links for question

C# Image/PictureBox Rotations - CodeProject

Rotating PictureBox Control - CodeProject

try this


or rotate this in a thread per 1000 ms





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