
Entity Framework 4 + POCO with custom classes and WCF contracts (serialization problem)

Yesterday I worked on a project where I upgraded to Entity Framework 4 with the Repository pattern. In one post, I have read that it is necessary to turn off the custom tool generator classes and then write classes (same like entites) by hand. That I can do it, I used the POCO Entity Generator and then deleted the new generated files .tt and all subordinate .cs classes. Then I wrote the "entity classes" by myself.

I added the repository pattern and implemented it in the business layer and then implemented a WCF layer, which should call the methods from the business layer. By calling an Insert (Add) method from the presentation layer and everything is OK. But if I call any method开发者_StackOverflow that should return some class, then I get an error like (the connection was interrupted by the server).

I suppose there is a problem with the serialization or am I wrong? How can by this problem solved?

I'm using Visual Studio S2010, Entity Framework 4, C#.


I have uploaded the project and hope somebody can help me! link text


My questions:

  1. Why is POCO good (pros/cons)?
  2. When should POCO be used?
  3. Is POCO + the repository pattern a good choice?
  4. Should POCO classes by written by myself or could I use auto generated POCO classes?

Why is POCO good (pros/cons)?

  • Work with EF4, NH and few others -ORM

When should POCO be used?

  • Depends on usage

Is POCO + the repository pattern a good choice?

  • For WCF

    POCO- You have track changes manually,

    STE Automatic Change Tracking is done.

Should POCO classes by written by myself or could I use auto generated POCO classes?

  • T4 would be better choice.

Regarding your WCF serialization issues, in the t4 template, we needed to set the ProxyCreationEnabled = false; on the ContextOptions


For POCO serialization you'll need the ProxyDataContractResolver.

You may wnat to check out this MSDN Walkthrough article on building a custom attribute that you can apply to your service contract to serialize the POCO proxy types.





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