
from c# to vba conversion (yes, kind of stupid)

 double [] numbers = new numbers[200];
  numbers[0] = 123;
  numbers[1] = 456; 

  // and so on.

  var n0 = numbers;
  var n1 = numbers.Skip(1);
  var n2 = numbers.Skip(2);
  var n3 = numbers.Skip(3);

  var x = from a in n0
          from b in n1
          from c in n2
          from d开发者_开发百科 in n3
          where a + b + c + d == 2341.42
          select new { a1 = a, b1 = b, c1 = c, d1 = d };

  foreach (var aa in x)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}", aa.a1, aa.b1, aa.c1, aa.d1 );

there's my c# code. i need to transate it into vba.

my main problem is this:

  var x = from a in n0
          from b in n1
          from c in n2
          from d in n3
          where a + b + c + d == 2341.42
          select new { a1 = a, b1 = b, c1 = c, d1 = d };

how would we do this in vba?

Type NumberSet
    A As Double
    B As Double
    C As Double
    D As Double
End Type

Public Sub TheSub()
    Dim numbers(0 To 199) As Double

    numbers(0) = 123
    numbers(1) = 456

    ' and so on.

    Dim ai As Integer
    Dim bi As Integer
    Dim ci As Integer
    Dim di As Integer

    'data set    
    Dim x() As NumberSet

    'temp record holder
    Dim ns As NumberSet

    Dim count As Integer

    count = 0

    'simulate the select query
    For ai = LBound(numbers) To UBound(numbers)
        For bi = LBound(numbers) + 1 To UBound(numbers)
            For ci = LBound(numbers) + 2 To UBound(numbers)
                For di = LBound(numbers) + 3 To UBound(numbers)
                    'fill the record
                    With ns
                        .A = numbers(ai)
                        .B = numbers(bi)
                        .C = numbers(ci)
                        .D = numbers(di)
                        'test record
                        If .A + .B + .C + .D = 2341.42 Then
                            'append to the data set
                            ReDim Preserve x(0 To count)
                            x(count) = ns
                            count = count + 1
                        End If
                    End With
                Next di
            Next ci
        Next bi
    Next ai

    'iterate through data set and print results
    For i = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
        ns = x(i)
        With ns
            Debug.Print .A & ", " & .B & ", " & .C & ", " & .D
        End With
    Next i
End Sub

not the most efficient.. but tried to follow the flow of the original code.. it will run slow as it's like bruteforce looping (takes about four minutes here).. perhaps using a temporary database/access table via ADO/DAO where you could use SQL would help.

Dim N(200)

For I0 = 0 To 199
  For I1 = 1 To 199
    For I2 = 2 To 199
      For I3 = 3 To 199
        If N(I0)+N(I1)+N(I2)+N(I3) = 2341.42 Then 
          Debug.Print N(I0) & "," & N(I1) & "," & N(I2) & "," & N(I3)
        End If




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