Convert seconds to date from Jan 01 1901 in unix/linux
im trying to convert a time stamp in seconds from Jan 01 1901 to the current date.
for example, time stamp 3465468225 translate to a date开发者_运维问答 in 2010. does anyone know of a way to do this in unix/linux? thanks.
In R, it is as simple as this:
> as.POSIXct(3465468225, origin="1901-01-01")
[1] "2010-10-25 15:03:45 CDT"
This uses appropriate wrappers around C-level calls gmtime()
/ localtime()
plus time formatting via strftime()
On GNU and POSIX systems you can obtain the date string using seconds since Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) as:
$ date --date=@1289495920
Thu Nov 11 12:18:40 EST 2010
You should handle the offset since Jan 01 1901 yourself.