
What is the future of WPF and silverlight ? Why are there two different ui toolkits? [closed]

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Will WPF die out and be replaced开发者_如何学Python by a silverlight that continues to be improved ? What is the direction of bothh ...i am asking as i have heard of MS possibly dumping WPF primarily because of percieved or actual performance impact on the snappyness etc of the UI.


WPF is for desktop applications, Silverlight for webbased (ala flash) ones, and also for the new Windows Phone 7, Silverlight is just a subset of wpf adjusted for different platforms.. Also - it really depends on the coding, as with everything. If you execute everything in the UI Thread, of course the UI won't be as responsive. I'm coding a wpf application and it is as snappy as a win forms one.

It's relatively unlikely that WPF will die out or be replaced by Silverlight any time soon. Silverlight can't create the kind of rich client applications that WPF can, and like it or not, desktop applications aren't going away any time soon.

Not to mention, Microsoft has written the interface for several of its major software packages in WPF (Visual Studio and Expression Studio). Many of the things these applications are required to do simply can't be done in the kind of sandboxed environment that Silverlight can provide.





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