Localizing HTML submit button label in Wicket
How do I put a localized message on the face of a submit button? I am using Wicket, and normally to use a localized message, I'd use something like <wicket:message key="message-key"/>
I have an HTML button defined as <input type开发者_开发百科="submit" value="login"/>
I want to localize/internationalize the value 'login'
Any ideas?
From https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WICKET/General+i18n+in+Wicket:
If you want to use Wicket's i18n in other HTML elements, for example:
<input type="submit" value="Search"/>
You can't use the <wicket:message/>
component, you should use the following:
<input type="submit" wicket:message="value:page.search"/>
An alternative to using wicket:message="value:yourPropertyName"
would be to set a ResourceModel with the button in your Java code. It has the same effect.
Button b = new Button("wicketButtonName", new ResourceModel("yourPropertyName"));