
jQuery - auto suggest/complete?

I'm looking for a good solution for an autocomplete/autosuggest jQuery plugin. The ones I have foun开发者_StackOverflowd stops auto-completing/suggesting after a value is selected. I'm trying to mimic Google Suggest.

For example, say I provide the following options:

  • aaa
  • bbb
  • ccc

When user type in a, the user should be presented with aaa. If user selects that, then presses a space (meaning, user is getting ready to type some more), I want bbb and ccc still available to the user when he/she is typing.

Any suggestions for what I might be able to use?

(NOTE: Perhaps Google Suggest actually behaves the same way as the available plugins. Perhaps its list of options just contain every possible permutation of what the user might type.)

Yeah, I think your right about google having every possible permutation.

I would suggest keeping with the standard jquery autocomplete plugin (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/autocomplete).

You can try this one: nicolasbize.github.com/magicsuggest

You will get the desired behaviour with the following code:

new MagicSuggest({
    focusOnExpand: true,
    data: 'aaa,bbb,ccc',
    renderTo: $('#your-div-id')

disclaimer: i am the author





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