Use PowerShell to Create a List of All Projects on a CCNet Server
I have been tasked with auditing 开发者_运维百科build servers using CruiseControl.NET. There are quite a few of them, and I was wondering if there was a way to programmatically / automagically compile a list of the projects on each of them.
Is there a way to do this?
My first instinct is to use PowerShell (v2.0), but I am not sure how to begin writing a script that does what I require. Should I be using PowerShell, or some other method? What would those other methods be?
I would use the Thoughtworks.CruiseControl.Remote.dll and load it into powershell
Create ICruiseManagerFactory managerFactory;
and then you could iterate through a list of servers you have and Create the Uri for the server like:
ServerUri = @"tcp://" + Server + ":" + Port + @"/CruiseManager.rem"
then get the list of Projects and statuses from that server using:
ProjectStatus[] currentStatuses = managerFactory.GetCruiseManager(ServerUri).GetProjectStatus();
then iterate through the list:
foreach (ProjectStatus projectStatus in currentStatuses)
string name = projectStatus.Name;
string status = projectStatus.Status;
Powershell can read xml files really easily. You should use this to interrogate the CC.NET builds.
Start here and here
If you can access the ccnet.config files, you can just:
([xml](Get-Content ccnet.config)).cruisecontrol.project | Select name, artifactDirectory # or whatever
Thanks to everyone for their answers. :-) One thing I failed to mention is that all of the build servers have the same installation structure for CruiseControl.NET on them, and the installation directory is directly accessible through a folder share.
Putting it all together, here is my script for creating a list of projects on a particular build server:
function Get-Projects
param([string]$BuildServer = $(Throw "You must specify the name of the build server containing the projects you want to list"))
$BuildServer = $BuildServer.ToUpper()
$ConfigFilePath = [string]"\\$BuildServer\CruiseControl.NET\server\ccnet.config"
$ValidPath = Test-Path -Path "$ConfigFilePath"
if (!$ValidPath)
$InvalidPathErrorMessage = [string]"Path $ConfigFilePath does not exist!"
Write-Host $InvalidPathErrorMessage
$ConfigXml = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigFilePath)
$Projects = @($ConfigXml.SelectNodes("cruisecontrol/project"))
if (!$Projects)
$ErrorMessage = [string]"No projects on $BuildServer!"
Write-Host $ErrorMessage
Then, assuming this script is accessible within your PowerShell session, you can simply select the data you want, as Jaykul suggested:
Get-Projects <BuildServer> | Select-Object name, queue, category | Sort-Object category
I hope this is found to be helpful!