
Ruby installer on Windows 7 64-bit machine

Can anyone please help m开发者_如何学Ce where to find Ruby 64-bit installer to be installed on Windows 7 or can I install 32-bit ruby 1.8.6 or 1.9 installers(only one) on a 64-bit machine without any problem?. Any recommendations or links for documentation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

32bits Ruby can be installed in 64bits Windows versions thanks to WOW64 (Windows on Windows functionality)

There is no Installer for 64bits Ruby, and you will find a lot of complications in that front.

I recommend you use the upcoming RubyInstallers from official RubyInstaller website:


(Will be redirected to RubyForge, locate Preview 2 installers there). Both 1.8.6 and 1.9.1 are available.

Also, if you want more step to step instructions, please take a look to some tutorials we have collected here:


Hope that helps.

As of March 2013, the RubyInstaller team produce a 64 bit Windows build of Ruby 2.0 . My thanks to them.


But all 32 bit software works normally on Windows 7 anyway - that's worth knowing.

I have Windows 7 for quite a while now. Standard 32-bit Ruby 1.8.6 one-click installer works. I can both run Rails applications and "even" debug the code in NetBeans. Downloaded from here

The Ruby team is still working on a 64-bit compiled version of Ruby for Windows. The 32-bit version works provided you do not need win32ole to work consistently. You will get a "Class Not Registered" error in some cases trying to instantiate a 64-bit OLE interface.

Latest I have seen on the ruby installers list is: http://groups.google.com/group/rubyinstaller/browse_thread/thread/b628af0efaaae5bd

This impacts some gems like virtualbox: http://github.com/mitchellh/virtualbox/issues#issue/37





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