
Why won't my Raphael JS animation loop?

Hi there I've made this animation using the Raphael framework. I want the star (logoStar) to spin indefinitely but it only runs once. Can anyone help? Thanks

window.onload = function () {

var buildLogo = function () {
    var logo = Raphael("title",800,236);

    var logoStar = logo.path("M12.245 131.057L16.039 138.743L24.521 139.97开发者_开发知识库4L18.383 145.958L19.832 154.406L12.245 150.418L4.658 154.406L6.108 145.958L-0.03 139.974L8.452 138.743").attr({fill:"#fff",stroke:"none"});

    var starSpin = function () {
        logoStar.animate({rotation: "360"}, 5000, starSpin);

var starSpin = function () {
    logoStar.attr({rotation: 0}).animate({rotation: 360}, 5000, starSpin);

Animation from 360° to 360° looks like there no animation, so you need to reset rotation to zero before.

Since version 2 came out, the real way to have an infinitely looping animation is this:

var spin = Raphael.animation({transform: "r360"}, 2500).repeat(Infinity);

Infinity is a property in Javascript, so don't enter it as a string.

Here's a working fiddle.

Just a quick observation:

Looks like "Rotation" isn't part of the Atrr anymore since ver 2, so you can't use it in "animate", but you can replace that with "transform: "r" + (some degree)"..


 element.animate( {transform: "r" + (-90)}, 2000, 'bounce');

I agree with Michael Mao, you should put

logoStar.animate({rotation: "360"}, 5000, starSpin);

in a loop.

But loops like this while(true) are not always a good idea. It will take too much CPU and some browsers may warn the user that a script is causing the page to run slowly. Maybe it is best to add a timeout before re-executing animate. Just try and see what works best ;)

I'm not entirely sure, but I think that starSpin is not yet defined when you try to use it in the anonymous function.

Try changing:

var starSpin = function () {
    logoStar.animate({rotation: "360"}, 5000, starSpin);


function starSpin() {
    logoStar.animate({rotation: "360"}, 5000, starSpin);

It turns out that that's not it at all -- I do not know what the problem is (hopefully someone who has more exposure to the Raphael library can help out there) but a kludgey-but-works solution is to clear the element in question before calling the entire construct function in the callback (I warned you it was kludgey).

SEE: http://jsfiddle.net/rbf5x/1/

I am not very sure but what if you do this:


It sounds like the method is only executed once, so it "spins" once...





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