How can I use 'window.location.href' in a jQuery HTML insertion or wrap?
I'm trying to insert a link into an empty < a > that has the id "popup". The link will open the current page in a popup box (with parameters I'll define later). I'm trying to string together the HTML needed to make a hyperlink plus the JS variable 'window.location.href' -- how can thes开发者_JAVA百科e be strung together? i.e. how do I fix this to make it work, or rewrite it as a function with 'window.location.href' as a variable:
$("#popup").html('<a href=' . window.location.href . '>open popup</a>');
Like this:
$("#popup").html($('<a />', { href: window.location.href, text: 'open popup' }));
Or for the popup:
$("#popup").html($('<a />', {
href: window.location.href,
text: 'open popup',
target: '_blank'
Or, using
for parameters:
$("#popup").html($('<a />', {
href: '#',
click: function() {, 'popup', 'params'); }
There were 2 problems with your original approach:
$("#popup").html('<a href=' . window.location.href . '>open popup</a>');
- Use
to concatenate strings - You need quotes around the attribute
Like this:
$("#popup").html('<a href="' + window.location.href + '">open popup</a>');
btw: in javascript you combine strings with a +
instead of .
(PHP, right?):
var something = 'Hello' + ' ' + 'World'; // => 'Hello World'
$("#popup").attr("href",window.location.href).attr("target","_blank").text("Open Popup");
This will change the link, so the href is the same.
<a id="popup" href="">popup</a>
<a id="popup" href="yourcurrenturl">popup</a>
To give you a little inspiration for other techniques for popups (forgive me if this if this code doesn't work, I just whipped to together quickly)
<a href="" rel="popup" target="alexsite">open alex site in popup</a>
$("a[rel = 'popup']").click(function (event) {
var popupWindow=$(this).attr("href"), $(this).attr("target"), "status=true,toolbar=false,menubar=false,location=false,width=1018,height=792")
if (popupWindow=== null) {
alert("A messasge to inform the user, that the popup has been blocked");