Coldfusion 8: IsDefined('URL.variable') and is not ""?
I'm trying to find out if a url variable exists, and if it doesn't, make sure that it's not empty.
This does not work:
<cfif Is开发者_运维技巧Defined('URL.affiliateId') and is not "">
<cfif structKeyExists(url, 'affiliateID') and trim(url.affiliateID) neq "">...</cfif>
You can simplify the logic a bit as well by using <cfparam> to ensure that the URL variable always exists. Then rather than having 2 conditions, you just need 1.
<cfparam name="URL.affiliateId" type="string" default="" />
<cfif trim( URL.affiliateId ) is not "">
do stuff here
To ignore most white space
<cfif IsDefined('URL.affiliateId') and len(trim(URL.affiliateId))>
value is defined and not empty
... or alternately
<cfif IsDefined('URL.affiliateId') and len(trim(URL.affiliateId)) gt 0>
value is defined and not empty
<cfif IsDefined('URL.affiliateId') and URL.affiliateId neq "">
I will just sum up the answers and offer my version of it:
<cfparam name="URL.affiliateId" type="string" default="" />
<cfif len(trim(URL.affiliateId))> something with the affiliate...
You do not need structKeyExists or isDefined and it would be better to avoid them. Also you do not need the 'greater than zero' part after the 'len()'.