
"svn add *" adds even those files which are ignored

I am using svn add * to add files to the svn, and it adds the confi开发者_StackOverflow社区g file which is for sure added to ignore.

lyuba@lyuba-laptop:/workspace/project$ svn propget svn:ignore

What can cause the problem?

Super old Question but I ran into this issue just now and the solution I found is not listed here. Adrian Smith's answer is on the right track. I assume the docs and SVN itself have seen many updates in 5 years. Here is what I found in the SVN docs

Even if svn:ignore is set, you may run into problems if you use shell wildcards in a command. Shell wildcards are expanded into an explicit list of targets before Subversion operates on them, so running svn SUBCOMMAND * is just like running svn SUBCOMMAND file1 file2 file3 …. In the case of the svn add command, this has an effect similar to passing the --no-ignore option. So instead of using a wildcard, use svn add --force . to do a bulk scheduling of unversioned things for addition. The explicit target will ensure that the current directory isn't overlooked because of being already under version control, and the --force option will cause Subversion to crawl through that directory, adding unversioned files while still honoring the svn:ignore property and global-ignores runtime configuration variable. Be sure to also provide the --depth files option to the svn add command if you don't want a fully recursive crawl for things to add.

The short version is use svn add --force . This works perfectly for me.

In UNIX and Linux, if you say

svn add *

Then the shell will expand all the files in the directory and the program will see the same as if you'd typed

svn add file-a.txt file-b.txt file-c.txt

etc. This means that the Subversion command thinks you've explicitly listed the file for adding. In this case, it'll add it, even though the svn:ignore property might be set.

From the documentation of svn:ignore (my emphasis):

Subversion uses the ignore patterns to determine which files should not be swept into the version control system as part of a larger recursive addition or import operation.

Use this command instead of svn add --force * :

svn add --force ./

In this case svn itself parse all files in directory and it considers the ignored files, but when you use *, you explicitly tell svn to add all files.

I found that this question contains a very good solution. As the answer is not actually answering the question, I do not think it is duplicate. In brief use the power of unix tools (works with cygwin on windows):

svn status | grep '?' | sed 's/^.* /svn add /' | bash

Have you tried committing the config.js to see if it is really ignored? I think if you specifically tell svn to add a file to version control, it'll over ride the ignore.





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