
Breakpoint all references to an external function?

I have a function in an external library, for which I do not have the source code, which is causing problems.

If I were putting in a breakpoint in my own code, I would put it on the first line of the function, but as it is an external function, I do not have that option.

Is there any way to as Visual Studio to break any time the function is called? My current workaround is to do a "Find All References" and put an individual breakpoint on every single call to the function, whic开发者_JAVA百科h is a sucky way of doing things.

Click Debug, New Breakpoint, Break at Function (or press Ctrl + D, N), then type the full name of the function. (eg, Namespace.ClassName.FunctionName)

You can see the breakpoint in the Breakpoints window (Debug, Windows, Breakpoints, or press Ctrl + D, B).
Make sure that the Hit Count column says (Currently 0); if it doesn't, you got the name wrong.





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