
Modify multiple movieclips as one

Is there any way to move or scale a bunch of m开发者_运维知识库ovieclips on the stage as one, without putting them inside of another movieclip?

Thanx :)


If you're listening to a resize event, there are a few properties that you can use, I assume that your stage.scaleMode property is set to NO_SCALE...

You could set a ratio of 1 by setting your maximum dimensions value to the Capabilities.screenResolutionX and Capabilities.screenResolutionY , which will give you a user's max screen dimensions. Please note that these dimensions correspond to full screen dimensions, not taking account of the browser toolbar for instance.


You can then calculate your movie clips current scale by comparing your current stage width/height with the max settings.

      const MAX_WIDTH:int = Capabilities.screenResolutionX;
      const MAX_HEIGHT:int = Capabilities.screenResolutionY;

      //These values should be updated in your resize event listener
      //For a pure AS3 project, I usually use Javascript functions
      //to get a window dimensions
      var currentWidth;
      var currentHeight;
      var widthScale:Number = currentWidth / MAX_WIDTH; 
      var heightScale:Number = currentHeight / MAX_HEIGHT; 

Finally, wouldn't it be simpler to set your stage.scaleMode property to EXACT_FIT?

End of edit

Put your MovieClips in an Array and loop thru the Array to modify them, if each MovieClip needs a specific modification, create an Array of Objects that will store the MovieClip as well as the modifications parameters.

 var mc1:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
 var mc2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
 var mcn:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

 // you could also use a Vector
 var mcs:Array = [mc1 , mc2 , .... , mcn];

 var scale:Number = .6;

 for( var i:int ; i < mcs.length ; ++i )
        mcs[i].scaleX = widthScale
        mcs[i].scaleY = heightScale;

If you use a Class for your MovieClips, you would create a specific method to modify them, but you'd still have to loop thru the MovieClips to set the modification

 var mc1:MovieClip = new Example();
 var mc2:MovieClip = new Example();

 public class Example extends MovieClip
       public function modify(params:Object):void
            this.scaleX = params.scaleX;
            this.scaleY = params.scaleY;

            //or for example
            TweenMax.to( this , params.delay , {scaleX:params.scaleX , 
                        scaleY:params.scaleY , ease:params.ease} );


 for( var i:int ; i < mcs.length ; ++i )
        mcs[i].modify({scaleX:.5 , scaleY:.6 , delay:1 , ease:Quad.easeOut});




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