
Is there a Rails admin interface that supports MongoDB and Devise?

I recently switched to MongoDB and I am wondering if I can continue using any of the popular admin interface sol开发者_JAVA技巧utions, such as ActiveScaffold and Typus?

You can try Rails Admin:

a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data.


  • CRUD any data with ease
  • Custom actions
  • Automatic form validation
  • Search and filtering
  • Export data to CSV/JSON/XML
  • Authentication (via Devise or other)
  • Authorization (via CanCanCan or Pundit)
  • User action history (via PaperTrail)
  • Supported ORMs
    • ActiveRecord
    • Mongoid

ActiveAdmin https://github.com/gregbell/active_admin is a great tool for the admin interface creation. And I believe sooner or later they add mongoid support.

Right now there's some patch for it: https://github.com/ebeigarts/mongoid_active_admin_app I didn't try it myself though.

if your using Mongoid as your ORM, then active_admin should do the job.. apply this patch to get it working

this disables some functionalities (mostly filters because active_admin relies on meta_search and that gem only supports active_record)

  • Fixes ActiveAdmin sorting
  • Disables ActiveAdmin Filters/Search
  • Disables ActiveAdmin Comments

I think you'll find this page on MongoDB's site to be the best help:


There are many admin applications available, some in browser, some fat client, etc. that you can use for admin and maintaining your Mongo backend.

I am a .Net programmer so I have used only MongoVUE, but one that caught my eye that I might check out and it should be platform agnostic is JMongoBrowser

I'd bet plenty options will work with a RAILS setup.





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