
File Based Version Control System with VS2010 Integration

I'm looking for a source control system that I can use for personal projects. I have two laptops and a desktop I develop on and a flash drive for portability. Rather than keeping all my code on my flash drive I want to check it out / in on the machine I'm working on at the time.

I'm specifically looking for something file based that integrates with VS2010, not an internet / network / server based source control system.

I was hoping for something free, but could afford something re开发者_JAVA百科asonably cheap.

Any thoughts?



Have you looked at GIT?

It is a distributed SCM, meaning there is no server.

As for using it with visual studio - see this SO question and answers.

VisualSVN seems to have support for Visual Studio 2010 and is a breeze to use. As far as SVN itself goes, it does not need a server to operate: it can work off USB drive just fine.

Remember to back your flash drive, though.

Well, you're looking for Plastic SCM Community Edition.

  • It is totally integrated with Visual Studio
  • Shell Extension too (like TortoiseSVN and so on)
  • Check the branch per task cycle
  • Diff and merge tools with refactor support

So definitely something to look at.





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