
Perl Mail::IMAPClient with IO::Socket::SSL help

I am in the process of working on a perl script that will connect to Gmail and download all the emails. Do keep in mind that I'm only concentrating on connecting to Gmail at the moment, so the script is only set up to cycle through some folders for now. This is what I have so far:


use strict;
use warnings;
use Mail::IMAPClient;
use IO::Socket::SSL;

# Connect to IMAP via SSL and get rid of greeting message

my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
 PeerAddr  =>  'imap.gmail.com',
 PeerPort  => 993,
 or die "Socket(): $@";

my $greeting = <$socket>;
my ($id, $answer) = split /\s+/, $greeting;
die "Problems loggin in: $greeting" if $answer ne 'OK';

# Build a client attached to the SSL Socket and login

my $client = Mail::IMAPClient->new(
 Socket => $socket,
 User => 'mail@gmail.com',
 Password => 'password',
 Port  => 993,
 or die "new(): $@";

my ($code, $output) = ("","");
until( $code ) {
 $output = $client->_read_line or return undef;
 for my $o (@$output) {
  $client->_debug("Connect: Recieved this from readline: ".join("/",@$o)."\n");
  next unless $o->[Mail::IMAPClient::TYPE] eq "OUTPU";
  ($code) = $o->[Mail::IMAPClient::DATA] =~ /^\*\s+(OK|BAD|NO)/i ;

if($code =~ /BYE|NO /) {
 die "IMAP serv开发者_如何转开发er disconnected";


print "1";

my @mails = ($client->seen(),$client->unseen);
foreach my $id (@mails) { print "$id\n"; }
# Terminate the connection with IMAP


When I run the script, however, the program only sits with a blinking cursor for a long period of time. It returns absolutely no output or errors. Anyone have any suggestions?

It might be easier to use a module that does the IMAP with SSL for you. I have used both Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL and Mail::Cclient to connect to IMAP servers over SSL, although I haven't tried to connect to Gmail.

Also, I haven't used Mail::IMAPClient, which you are using, but it does appear to support SSL, and mentions Gmail several times in the documentation, so it should work without having to create your own SSL sockets.

Might be worth the shout, I had the same issue, resulting in similar errors i.e Trying command when NOT connected! LastError was: timeout waiting 600s for data from server at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/IMAPClient.pm line 116

I restarted the server and everything was ok.

Also it did connect prior to that error, but at some point started to produce it. I have no idea what happened, but it must have been server/OS related.





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