
How to pass arguments to a Policy's constructor?


In code:

template<class T>
struct FactorPolicy
    T factor_;
    FactorPolicy(T value):factor_(value)

template<class T, template<class> class Policy = FactorPolicy>
struct Map

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        Map<int,FactorPolicy> m;//in here I would like to pass a double value to a  
 //FactorPolicy but I do not know how.  
        return 0;

Edited [for Mark H]

template<class T, template<class> class Policy = FactorPolicy>
struct Map : Policy<double>
    Map(double value):Policy<double>(value)

One way is to provide member function templates that take a template arg to use with the policy. For example:

template<class T, template<class> class Policy = FactorPolicy> 
struct Map 
  template <typename V>
  void foo(const Policy<V> &p)

Then, in main:

Map<int,FactorPolicy> m;


Another possibility is to specify it as part of Map template instantiation, by adding a third template arg to Map:

template<class T, template<class> class Policy = FactorPolicy, 
         class V = double> 
struct Map 
  void foo(const V &value)
    Policy<V> policy(value);


Map<int,FactorPolicy,double> m;


If you were to pass a double, it would require that the type argument of FactorPolicy be double inside Map, unless you make the FactorPolicy constructor to accept a double. I don't think that is what you want though. You must inform Map that Policy needs a double, so first add that type argument. Secondly, I think you will need to forward the actual double value from the Map constructor.

template<class T, typename U, template<class> class Policy = FactorPolicy >
struct Map {
    Map(U val) {
        policy_ = new Policy<U>(val);

    Policy<U>* policy_;

int main()
    Map<int, double, FactorPolicy> m(5.63);
    return 0;




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