
Creating an XML file, via SimpleXML & simple_html_dom

Hope the title was OK.

My problem is that I want to generate an XML file, which contains all the ISO 4217 currencies, including their name, code and countries they are used in.

To do this I'm using simple_html_dom to grab the HTML, and select specific data from the page. Then using SimpleXML to construct the XML. I would like the output like so:

    <name>United States Dollars</name>
    <location>United States of America</location>

At the moment I can populate the code for all the codes, but cannot get the names or locations as well as the codes wrapped in currency

Here is the current code I have, the second for loop returns the names of the currency, but I can't figure out how to place this below the code tag within currency:


//Source: simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net

//177 currencies
//set URL to parse
$url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217";
$html = file_get_html($url);
//find all <td> elements that are nested within <table class="wikitable"><tr> and put them into an array
$content = $html->find('table.wikitable tr td');

$newsXML = new SimpleXMLElement("<currencies></currencies>");
$newsXML->addAttribute('type', 'ISO_4217');
Header('Content-type: text/xml');

//loop to add each currency code in <currency><code>HERE</code></currency>
//this loop gets all the codes of the currencies
for($i = 0; $i <= 885; $i += 5){
    $currency = $newsXML->addChild('currency');
    $code = $currency->addChild('code',strip_tags($content[$i]));
//this loop gets all the names of the currencies
for($n = 3; $n <= 531; $n += 5){
    $name = $currency->addChild('name',strip_tags($content[$n]));   

//echo the XML
echo $newsXML->asXML();


I have only started learning PHP a month or so back, so would appreciate any advice, or a point in the correct direction.

(Hope the开发者_JAVA百科 formatting/title naming convention is OK).

Your problem is that the $currency in the second loop is static, resulting in something like


You need to add both name and code to the same $currency object.

I never found the answer to this issue, and just ended up echo'ing the XML rather than constructing it via SimpleHTMLDom.





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