Actionscript 3 modify Label Component text
I'm trying to modify the text of a Label component that I already placed on the stage in as3. I'm having trouble getting the text to change though, it just stays the same based on the inital text I typed in. I'd like to eventually have the label contents change dynamically. When I compile the swf, the two labels have the original value I gave them when I put them on the stage, not the startDate and endDate values. My code looks like:
import flash.display.*;
import fl.controls.Slider;
import fl.controls.Label;
public class slider extends MovieClip{
public var startDate:int;
public var endDate:int;
public function slider(){
dateSlider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler);
startDate = 1981;
endDate = 1995;
startLabel.text = startDate.toString();
endLabel.text 开发者_JAVA百科 = endDate.toString();
private function changeHandler(event:SliderEvent):void {
yearLabel.text = (event.value/10) + startDate + " year";
I assume your are trying to change button label. Are you?
If yes, then do
startLabel.label = startDate.toString(); instead of startLabel.text = startDate.toString();