how to program l(x)=l(x-1)-d(x-1) in SPSS?
What is the best way to program formula like this in SPSS: l(x)=l(x-1)-d(x-1) where l(x) is total number of people at ris开发者_Python百科k at age group x; d(x) is total number of death at age group x. so, d(x-1) is the total deaths at age group x-1. thanks
I am not sure if I fully understand your question, but you might be able to leverage the LAG function in SPSS.
Check out the syntax below to get an idea:
* Lets create some fake data.
DATA LIST LIST (",") / id risk death.
1, 274, 123
1, 123, 34
1, 1235, 23
2, 3456, 231
2, 1897, 12
* Create a basic lag to get the previous record's values.
COMPUTE risk.lag1 = LAG(risk, 1).
COMPUTE death.lag1 = LAG(death, 1).
* Create a lag if group dependent -- assumes your cases are in the order you want
* Only executes if the previous records value of ID is the same as the current record.
IF (id = LAG(id,1)) risk.lag2 = lag(risk,1).
IF (id=LAG(id,1)) death.lag2 = lag(death,1).
* ....And the data.....
Gives you the following data calculations....
id risk death risk.lag1 death.lag1 risk.lag2 death.lag2
1 274 123 . . . .
1 123 34 274 123 274 123
1 1235 23 123 34 123 34
2 3456 231 1235 23 . .
2 1897 12 3456 231 3456 231
Number of cases read: 5 Number of cases listed: 5