
UNIX Domain Socket in Java

I see these threads UNIX socket implementation for Java? and http://forums.s开发者_如何学Cun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=713266.

The second link says that Java already supports UNIX Domain Socket. If that's true what class do I need to implement from Java?.

From the first link, it says that Java does not support UNIX Domain Socket. If you need UNIX Domain Socket you must use a 3rd-party library.

So, which is it?

You could use junixsocket: https://github.com/kohlschutter/junixsocket

It provides AF-UNIX support via a JNI library, utilizing the Java Socket API. It even allows connecting to MySQL from Java (Connector/J) via Unix sockets.

Java cannot create or access Unix Domain Sockets without using a 3rd party (native) library. The last comment on the second link above mentions this.

The first link has some good (and correct) information on it.

Netty also supports it since version 4.0.26: https://github.com/netty/netty/pull/3344

As noted by @Benny in a comment, JDK 16 comes with built-in support for unix domain sockets via java.net.UnixDomainSocketAdress and related classes. You can read more at JEP-380

Here's a snippit from the JEP:

var unixAddr = UnixDomainSocketAddress.of("/foo/bar.socket");
var channel2 = SocketChannel.open(unixAddr);





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