
NServicebus Message Handler Lifecycle in IOC StructureMap

What is the required IOC instance lifecycle I need to use in conjuction with a NServiceBus message handler if I want an instance per message handled.

PerRequest won't work, since given the numerous constructor dependenices and dependency graph I have, it gives me many instances when I require only one per Handle(MessageX msg) call. I can't or don't want to inject it directly into the message handler since it is required further down the object graph. E.g. inject IPersonService, depends on IPersonRepository, they can be per request (De开发者_运维问答fault), but IPersonDBContext need to be per message call.

PerThread won't work since NServiceBus uses the same worker threads over and over.

Singleton, HttpContext, etc.. are obviously not applicable.

Has anyone came across this with either StructureMap or Castle?

I might be missing something here, but PerRequest will give you a new instance for each MessageHandler ( the messagehandlers are them selves registered as PerRequest). I have just committed a fix for a bug that caused messagehandlers to fire multiple times for each message. I wonder if that bug has been misleading you (try to get the lastest 2.0 build from CI and see if that does it for you)


Hope this helps!





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