
mysql date xammp

i've set a field as date in xammp server. but when i'm inserting a values, its saving like 0000-00-00.. i've even input it manually like 2010-10-10 but still saveing 000... is the problem with my code or the xammp server??? or is there any way to configure the date format in xammp???

$today = date('Y-m-d');


update.php $date = $_GET['datee'];

$qry = "INSERT INTO cou开发者_运维问答rse_detail(userid, course_id, hours_complete, week_no, date) VALUES('$member_id','$fname','$hour','$week', '$date')"; $result = @mysql_query($qry);

It's probably with your code. Have you quoted the date string when inserting?

INSERT INTO mytable SET datefield='2010-10-10'

This is definitely not a XAMPP issue. I highly recommend you take a look at this link MySQL Documentation on Datetime

MySQL Date has a fixed syntax and it generally falls along the lines of YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD. I'm sure you're using a presentation layer over MySQL such as *.NET (ASP,winforms), you can reformat the date generated by MySQL to match your locale. Here's how you do it on the Microsoft stack MSDN Globalization Step-by-Step, similar methods are available for whatever else technology you may be using.





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