How Do I Convert an Excel XLS to an Access MDB using Excel VBA
I need to use VBA from Excel to load an Excel workbook in access and transfer it out to a database.
Dim acc As Ne开发者_开发百科w Access.Application
acc.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\Test.xls"
I got that far and Excel crashes and has to restart. My plan was to use the following but I can't get that far.
Any ideas? I've googled for days and come up with nothing.
*Edit: Thanks for the responses so far
I absolutely have to use Excel VBA, unfortunately. There is an excel spreadsheet that has a bunch of empty columns that are being recognized by the Jet engine as defined columns, too many in fact > 255 (or is it > 256?). I do NOT want to open the Excel worksheet for any reason (this takes far too long over the network). I don't have the option or choice to format it correctly or clean it up. It's easy to convert an XLS spreadsheet into a MDB database inside of access as you all say, but that's not an option. So like I said, I need to use VBA in Excel to manipulate the access object to convert an XLS workbook to an MDB database; Once I have this, the rest will be cake. Thanks so much! I love this site.
This task is straightforward if you're able to use VBA from within Microsoft Access; e.g.:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet , , _
"tblImportFromExcel","C:\path\to\myfile.xls", True, "A1:B200"
What is wrong with the suggested solution from Adam Bernier (with the addition from PowerUser concerning using an access object from within Excel); your last comment was after those suggestions and you did not reply.
Dim acc As New Access.Application
acc.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\Test.mdb"
acc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet _
TransferType:=acImport, _
Spreadsheettype:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel8, _
TableName:="tblImportFromExcel", _
Filename:="C:\path\to\myfile.xls", _
HasFieldNames:=True, _
(Adapt as needed, especially the HasFieldNames and Range). If this does not work, then there is probably something really wrong with your Excel-Sheet.
The only other thing I can think of (but that would mean to open the file) is to save the Excel-Sheet as XML and transform the values via XSLT in a more suitable format, then import the resulting XML. But that might be overkill (how complex is your file, how often do you need this import to proceed).
HTH Andreas