
Anonymous JavaScript function for global abatement

I've run across some strangeness in JavaScript syntax that I don't understand.

I was trying to use a single anonymous global function for global abatement, like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
  function() {
    alert("all code goes here");

Unfortunately, I get a syntax error. This fixes it:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var MAIN = function() {
    alert("all code goes here");

But is unsatisfying because there is now a global MAIN object. Then I ran across this:

<script type="text/javascript">
  (function() {
    alert("all code goes here");

A colleague of mine saw this, shook his head and said "that's some syntax man".

What is going on with

var x = function() { .. }();

that requires parenthesis without the variable like this

(function() { ... })();

Edit: Identical to another question, with this great answer.

The issue is that function() {}() is being parsed as a function declaration. In a function declaration the function name is mandatory, so since it's missing here you get a syntax error. Placing parentheses around the function() {}() fixes the problem by forcing the code inside to be parsed as an expression instead: the parentheses act as the grouping operator, within which only an expression is valid.

Placing function() {}() on the right hand side of an assignment works for a similar reason: only an expression is valid there, so the function is parsed as an expression.

This is a short explanation. If you want a longer version, I'd suggest reading CMS's excellent explanation in another question.

Basically... Javascript requires you to put your function somewhere.

You can do this with the normal named syntax:

function foo(){}

Or with the variable assignment syntax:

var foo = function(){}

The syntax with the () is actually just the second syntax, but you throw away the result instead of storing it somewhere.

This is actually equivalent to the statement above:

var foo = (function(){})

But since you can't have an assignment without assigning it to something it won't work without the ().

So the reason is basically to disambiguate between a function declaration and a function expression.

If the extra braces or variable introduction don't sit well with you, there's always an operator you can persuade to do the work for you:

void function() {

var foo = function(){alert("call");}();
var foo2 = function(){alert("call");};

//foo(); //<-bad, foo not a function
console.log(function(){return "json";}());

var foo is undefined cause there is no return value; if we do this:

var foo = function(){return function(){alert("call");};}();
foo(); //works cause a function is assigned to foo




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