Why can't my web page apply its CSS?
I have a simple website(primarily static html/css) but for some reason s开发者_开发知识库ome of the pages won't apply the external css in Firefox (works in IE).
http://bjmarine.net/services.html - Is broken
http://bjmarine.net/index.html - Works fine
I have compared both files and can't see any difference. I have tried them in editplus and notepad. When I view the broken page with firebug and fresh I start to see some chinese characters all over the place. Not sure how to fix this, or how it happended. I'm worried the site has been altered by someone else or perhaps an editor added these hidden characters some how (I only use VS2008 and editplus).
I can see an error in the js on the broken page but the same code doesn't give an error on the working page.
Can anyone provide a solution and a reason for whats happened?
Thanks Denis
Check out the encoding of the html file
index is ISO-8859-1 and service utf-16 (thats why you see weird characters).
Open the file in an editor, the clic in save as and change the encoding of service.html back to iso.
services.html appears to be encoded using UTF-16, so Firefox is trying to interpret the stylesheet using the same encoding.
Be consistent about the encoding you use (UTF-8 is a good choice), and configure your webserver to specify that encoding in the HTTP response headers.
"********************************************" in the CSS file comments could be the problem try removing that.
Warning: Unexpected end of file while searching for ',' or '{'. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. Source File: http://bjmarine.net/images/bjmarine.css Line: 1
And your source file for the broken one is encoded in UTF-16 according to Firefox (view source) but served as iso-8859-1.
There's an error in your javascript: _gat is not defined in... it looks like line 184 in services.html .
You might want to make sure that you path for the stylesheet is actually reaching the folder where your stylesheet resides.
The full path should be http://bjmarine.net/images/bjmarine.css
Here is your full page with the path corrected.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta name="Description" content="Boats, Power, Sail, Marina, Berths, Malahide, Dublin, Bangor, Cork, Malta" />
<meta name="Keywords" content="your, keywords" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta name="Distribution" content="Global" />
<meta name="Author" content="Denis Hoctor - denishoctor@gmail.com" />
<meta name="Robots" content="index,follow" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://bjmarine.net/images/bjmarine.css" type="text/css" /><link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
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<p>At our bases in Malahide and Bangor we have the best lifting and boatyard facilities
on the east coast, with capacity for 180 boats ashore in safe, secure boatyards.</p>
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<li>Raymarine onboard marine electronic instruments</li>
<li>Garmin marine equipment</li>
<li>C-Map electronic navigation charts</li>
<li>Navionics Marine Charts</li>
<li>Garmin Bluechart</li>
<li>Sparcraft masts, booms and rigging systems</li>
<li>Facnor furling systems</li>
<li>Quantum Sails, premier sail design and suppliers</li>
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<p>DMG Sailsports is an ISA Training Centre based in Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Their courses are based on the ISA Powerboat Scheme and ISA Windsurfing Schemes. Personalised private sail coaching is available to those who have their own boats and would like lessons tailored to their specific needs by our highly experienced ISA Instructors. All of our courses are delivered to the highest standards for both professional and recreational clients and are run all year round, 7 days a week.</p>
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<h3>Marina Berths</h3>
<p>We can facilitate your boating needs in Portugal, Spain, France, Malta and many other Mediterranean destinations Berths and deliveries etc.</p>
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<p>Whatever your boating dream you could realise it quickly and easily with <a href="http://www.lombard.ie/lombard/ireland/personal_customers/marine/index.html">Lombard Marine Finance</a>.</p>
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<h3>Weather and tides</h3>
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<a href="http://www.met.ie/forecasts/sea-area.asp">Met Eireann</a> – Sea area Forcast
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<li><a href="http://www.met.ie/latest/buoy.asp">M2 Weather buoy</a> – Approx 20 nautical miles east of Howth Headt</li>
<a href="http://www.ireland.com/weather/tides.htm">Irish Daily Tides</a>
<a href="http://www.ireland.com/weather/tides.htm"><img src="images/irishtimes_logo.gif" width="175" height="17" alt="Irish Times logo" class="float-right-noborder-tides" /></a>
<a href="http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=47773">WindGuru</a>
<a href="http://www.windguru.cz/int/index.php?sc=47773"><img src="images/windguru_logo.gif" width="175" height="55" alt="Wind Guru logo" class="float-right-noborder-tides" /></a>
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Placing this path in the page itself locally got eveything except your logo to come up.
Good luck, hope this helps you.
Looks like you have some css errors.
Might be spelled wrong and the selectors properties are not closed with:
I would run through the css file and make sure it is valid.