
Failure to find Session table using session_id with swfupload

I have a problem with swfupload sessions.

I set the session_id in a form variable, and it successfully goes in the form POST. When I get this post an开发者_高级运维d set the session by session_id($_POST["session_id"]) I have a good session_id (because I checked this) but I don't have any variables in the $_SESSION table.

On my home computer this works fine, on the server it doesn't.

Should I check some of the PHP session settings?

Try http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ instead, it doesn't require Flash.

It sounds like you may be encountering a long-running Flash bug. The traditional way to work around it is to append a GET variable to the upload url that has the session in it, then take that and manually set it to be the session on the server-side.

It is hard to give an example of the best way to do it for your particular situation, but if you google 'flash upload cookie', you will find multiple solutions for php.





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