
.htaccess file for Uploading a Zend Framework Project on 1and1

The problem I have is that I am trying to put a Zend Framework web application online and开发者_StackOverflow while it works perfectly on my localhost, it has a lot of errors online. I know that there are certain things required for a Zend website to work.

  • I need the document root to be serwano.com/staging/fbr
  • I need php5
  • I need mod rewrite on

I need the document root to be serwano.com/staging/fbr. I have a testing website with the following folder set up:

       /other test site  
       /other test site  

I need help determining what the appropriate .htaccess file would be so that my Zend Web App will work.

You can figure the webroot for a domain to point to any folder insider your FTP upload directory, thus you can do

+ userhome
|- serwano.com
|-- staging
|-- test
|-- production 

Then go to your 1&1 control panel and create three subdomains for serwano.com. There should be an option to point each subdomain's webroot to the appropriate folder, e.g.

staging.serwano.com // point it to the staging folder
test.serwano.com    // point it to the test folder
www.serwano.com     // point it to the production folder

Whether you can use .htaccess and mod_rewrite depends on how your webhosting package is configured. Contact 1&1 (prepare for pain) to find out if that is possible. If it is not possible, Google has a number of results for Zend Framework without .htaccess. You do not need mod_rewrite, nor .htaccess. This is just recommended.





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