
Axis2 with XMLBeans data binding - Problem with a java client generated from a XSD schema with anyType

I have generated a client using Axis2 framework with XMLBeans as the data binding method. The XSD schema is the following:


<xsd:element name="profile" type="anyType"/>


The java object generated which takes part of the SOAP request contains getter and setter methods that allow to get and set the profile. Here is the method signature: requestDocument.setProfile(XmlObject profile);

The problem is that even if that I have to pass several nodes as the profile and not a valid XML document, but XMLObject expects a XML document with a root node.

I need to pass:



Actually, the service I use expects those nodes but did not constrains them in the schema. Thus, I can't add another root node because even if the service won't throw any exceptions, the profile won't be usable.

XMLBeans already adds the underlying XML tree, I mean the profile node in the request document. Thus, I can't use it as a root node. if I add a root node, the following XML will be created

<profile> <profile></profile> </profile>

And I want the document be formatted as follow:


<accounts></accounts> <payees></payees>


I prefer not modifying the schema of the service. I would want to know if there is a way with Axis2/XMLBeans to tackle this issue.

I find a solution that is probably a workaround and not the clean way it should be done. Instead of setting the profile with an XMLObject as follow:
requestDocument.setProfile(XmlObject profile);
I used org.w3c.dom.Node object to create the profile content. See below:
1. Create the elements org.w3c.dom.Element to be added to the profile:
Element accountsElt = profileDocument.createElement("accounts");
Element payeesElt = profileDocument.createElement("payees");
2. Create an empty profile in the document to be send to the service, note that the object is auto generated:
3. Get the empty profile and add children to its root node: requestDocument.getProfile().getDomNode().appendChild(accountsElt); requestDocument.getProfile().getDomNode().appendChild(payeesElt);

I hope it helps.





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