
List<T> defined as member of class

I have a开发者_运维问答 list where i want the type to be definined by the call for example in the class i want something like

public class ClassName
    public ListType<T> ListName { get; set; }
    // other class items

and then the usage to be what sets the class type like

var className = new ClassName()
    ListType<int> = data

so basically thats what i want, i have it working using dynamic so the class is

public class ClassName
    public ListType<dynamic> ListName { get; set; }
    // other class items

and the call is

var className = new ClassName()
    ListType<dynamic> = data

this works but i would like to know if there is a better way to do this so i dont have to use dynamic

oh almost forgot to mention the ListType is

public class ListType<T> : List<T>

and so doesnt fail by having different types passed to it


edit: realised my usage of the code on stack overflow differed from my code

the ListType has a constructor that takes 3 arguments so the usage is more

var className = new ClassName()
    ListName = new ListType<Type>(x, y, z)

How about

public class ClassName<T>
    public ListType<T> ListName { get; set; }
    // other class items

then use it like this:

var className = new ClassName<int>()
    ListName = data;

Slight addition to Bertrand's answer gives you a way to not repeat the type argument in you specific use case, or even not mention it:

public static class ClassName
    public static ClassName<T> Create<T>(ListType<T> list)
        return new ClassName<T> { ListName = list };

    public static ClassName<T> Create<T>(params T[] list)
        return new ClassName<T> { ListName = new ListType<T>(list) };

Using the first method, you can write something like

ClassName.Create(new ListType<SomeType>(x, y, z));

using the second method, you can even write

ClassName.Create(x, y, z);

and let the compiler figure out that T is SomeType, but that doesn't work always.

Note that ClassName is different class than ClassName<T> and you might want to name it differently, e.g. ClassNameFactory.





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