
Content elements for wordpress

I'm looking for a plugin (or better yet, not a plugin) for wordpress that lets me generate standard content elements, or includes for posts and pages.

For example, my_content_1 could be:

buy it now for开发者_如何学Go $23!!

Which could then be included in posts and pages using some kind of syntax (or whatever) like:

Welcome to my site, blah blah blah.. check out this product - %my_content_1%

Not looking for anything fancy, anything that does this sort of thing would be awesome.

The point of this being much like a regular php include I could have the same information updated in one place and applied over many pages/posts.

I found something that is pretty much what I'm looking for: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/reusables/

However, other suggestions would be good as I'm not too confident in the quality of the code for that plugin.

Not sure about a plugin, but how about simply creating something yourself? If you created a PHP page and set up variables such as

$content->title = "This is a title"
$content->smallText = "Insert some short paragraph here"

And then just include it in your header? You could store it in your theme directory and then call it like so

<?php $themeFolder = get_bloginfo("template_url"); ?>
<?php include($themeFolder."/content.php") ?>

Would that be suitable?

How about creating a few files and link them in using shortcode? ie: open your themes/functions.php file add this..

function wp_my_shortcodes($atts) 
                            'type' => '',  //author, rss, adverts
                            ), $atts));
    switch($type) {
        case 'author'   : $display = wp_display_author_info(); break;
        case 'rssview'  : $display = wp_display_rss_info(); break;
        case 'adverts'  : $display = wp_display_adverts(); break;
        default     : $display = wp_display_author_info(); break;
    return $display ;                       
add_shortcode('mycontent', wp_my_shortcodes);

function wp_display_author_info()
function wp_display_rss_info()
function wp_display_adverts()

using shortcodes inside your posts you can then bring in which ever piece of content that you want.. in the example above I've created 3 pages in the template root folder called my_author_info.php, my_rss_info.php, my_adverts.php all of which speak for themself..

this page could use the the_author_meta() to populate a div box with included author info,

include your subscription box to let users subscribe to your blog

include 4x 125x125 adverts?

so in the post i could use

[mycontent type='author']
[mycontent type='rssview']
[mycontent type='adverts']

if no argument is added to the shortcode then the default view is shown, in this case..


would return the authorview as default... this would then include that file in the content...

just remember to create the included files :)

I found something that is pretty much what I'm looking for:






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